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Crafting Your LinkedIn Author Brand: 5 Strategies for Pre and Post-Book Launch

In 2024, leveraging digital platforms has become paramount for writers to connect with their audience and propel their book projects to success. Among these platforms, LinkedIn emerges as a potent tool for authors to establish their professional identity, forge meaningful connections, and amplify their book launch. Whether you’re on the cusp of unveiling your debut novel or seeking to elevate your existing author brand, optimizing your LinkedIn profile with tailored strategies is essential. In this blog, we’ll delve into specific tactics to optimize your LinkedIn presence both before and after your book launch, including tips for optimizing your banner, featured links, and strategic engagement. 

Pre-Book Launch Blueprint

1. Craft a Compelling Banner:

Your LinkedIn banner is prime real estate for capturing attention and setting the tone for your author brand. Design a banner that resonates with the themes and aesthetic of your upcoming book. Incorporate imagery, quotes, or symbols that evoke curiosity and anticipation among your audience.

2. Strategic Use of Featured Links:

Leverage the “Featured” section to showcase teasers, book trailers, or pre-order links related to your upcoming book. Curate a selection of captivating content that entices visitors deeper into your authorial world, building excitement for the imminent release.

3. Engage with Literary Circles:

Forge connections with fellow authors, literary agents, editors, book enthusiasts, and other thought leaders or influencers within your genre. Engage authentically with their content, sharing insights about your writing journey and exchanging ideas. Cultivate a supportive network that shares your passion for storytelling.

4. Tease Behind-the-Scenes Moments:

Whet the appetite of your audience by sharing behind-the-scenes anecdotes, from the inception of your book idea to the intricacies of concept development. Invite readers on a journey through your creative process, fostering anticipation for the unveiling of your masterpiece.

Post-Book Launch Strategies

1. Celebrate Milestones:

Update your LinkedIn banner to reflect the milestone of your book launch. Showcase images from launch events, book signings, and reader testimonials that celebrate the culmination of your authorial journey. Let your banner serve as a visual testament to your achievements and aspirations.

2. Diversify Featured Content:

Enrich your “Featured” section with a diverse array of content, including reader reviews, media coverage, and interviews related to your book. Curate a multimedia experience that offers visitors a comprehensive glimpse into the reception and impact of your book post-launch.

3. Engage with Authorial Discourse:

Initiate meaningful discussions within the LinkedIn community by leveraging hashtags and posts related to your book. Pose thought-provoking questions, share personal reflections, and participate in industry conversations that resonate with your audience. Cultivate a dynamic dialogue that extends the narrative world of your book into the digital realm.

4. Collaborate with Influential Voices:

Forge alliances with influencers, book bloggers, and subject matter circles to amplify the reach of your book post-launch. Collaborate on guest posts, podcast interviews, or virtual events that spotlight your book’s content and expand its audience reach.

5. Cultivate Reader Relationships:

Nurture genuine connections with your LinkedIn followers by responding to comments, acknowledging their support, and fostering a sense of community. Show appreciation for their enthusiasm and engagement, cultivating a loyal readership base that eagerly anticipates your future literary endeavors.

Measure, Adapt, Thrive

Harness LinkedIn’s analytical tools to monitor the performance of your content and profile engagement post-launch. Track metrics such as profile views, post reach, and audience engagement to gauge the effectiveness of your strategies. Use these insights to refine your approach, adapt to evolving reader preferences, and continue to elevate your authorial presence on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn for the Win

In the digital age of authorship, LinkedIn serves as a dynamic platform for writers to showcase their creativity, engage with readers, and forge meaningful connections within the book community. By optimizing your LinkedIn profile with tailored strategies, including thoughtful banner design, curated featured content, and strategic hashtag utilization, you can amplify the impact of your book launch and extend the reach of your author brand. 

Whether you’re embarking on your inaugural publishing voyage or celebrating the release of your latest bestseller, LinkedIn offers boundless opportunities to captivate audiences, cultivate community, and elevate your authorial journey to new heights. So, infuse your LinkedIn profile with the narrative allure of your book, activate creator mode, and let your authorial voice resonate across the digital landscape, inspiring readers far and wide.

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7 Tips to Maximize Your Instagram for Your Book Launch

With over a billion active users monthly, Instagram offers immense potential for authors to generate excitement and engagement around their book launches. However, effectively utilizing Instagram requires strategic planning and execution. Here are seven essential tips to help you maximize Instagram for your book launch.

Develop a Consistent Visual Theme:

Establishing a cohesive and visually appealing aesthetic for your Instagram feed is crucial to attracting followers and maintaining their interest. Choose a consistent color palette, photo editing style, or visual motif that reflects the mood and theme of your book. Whether it’s vibrant and colorful or minimalist and subdued, a unified visual theme helps create a memorable brand identity for your author platform.

Craft Engaging Captions:

Captions provide an opportunity to captivate your audience with compelling storytelling and meaningful insights. Use captions to share personal anecdotes, moments from your writing journey, or thought-provoking reflections related to your book’s themes. Encourage interaction by asking questions, prompting discussion, or inviting followers to share their own experiences and opinions.

Utilize Instagram Stories:

Instagram Stories offer a dynamic and ephemeral way to share content and engage with your audience in real time. Use Stories to provide sneak peeks of your book, share updates on your writing progress, or offer exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpses. Experiment with interactive features like polls, quizzes, and countdowns to increase engagement and foster a sense of excitement leading up to your book launch.

Leverage Hashtags Strategically:

Hashtags are instrumental in expanding your reach and connecting with users who are interested in topics related to your book. Research relevant hashtags within your book’s genre, niche, or community and incorporate them into your posts strategically. Mix popular hashtags with more specific or niche ones to maximize visibility while targeting your ideal audience. Additionally, create a branded hashtag for your book launch to encourage user-generated content and facilitate community engagement. To analyze hashtag performance, use tools like Brand Mentions to choose your hashtags wisely. 

Collaborate with Influencers and Bookstagrammers:

Partnering with influencers and bookstagrammers can amplify your reach and introduce your book to new audiences. Identify influencers and book enthusiasts within your niche or genre who align with your brand values and target demographic. Reach out to them with personalized pitches, offering advance copies of your book, exclusive content, or promotional opportunities in exchange for their support and endorsement.

Engage with Your Audience Authentically:

Building meaningful connections with your audience is key to fostering loyalty and enthusiasm for your book. Take the time to respond to comments, messages, and mentions from your followers, showing genuine appreciation for their support and feedback. Host live Q&A sessions, virtual book clubs, or Instagram Live events to interact with your audience in real-time and create memorable experiences that strengthen their connection to your brand.

Promote Pre-Orders and Exclusive Offers:

Drive pre-launch excitement and boost sales by promoting pre-orders and offering exclusive incentives to your Instagram followers. Create visually compelling graphics or videos announcing the availability of pre-orders, and highlight any special bonuses or perks for early purchasers, such as signed copies, limited edition merchandise, or bonus content. Use Instagram’s shopping features or swipe-up links in Stories to make it easy for followers to pre-order your book directly from your profile.

Tap into Instagram for Your Book Launch

Instagram offers authors a powerful platform to promote their book launches and engage with readers on a personal level. By developing a consistent visual theme, crafting engaging captions, utilizing Instagram Stories, leveraging hashtags strategically, collaborating with influencers, authentically engaging with your audience, and promoting pre-orders and exclusive offers, you can maximize your impact and create excitement surrounding your book launch. Embrace creativity, authenticity, and strategic planning to make your book launch a memorable success on Instagram.

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20 Writing Tips for Crafting Business and Personal Development Books

Writing a business or personal development book is a rewarding endeavor that allows you to share your knowledge, experiences, and insights with a broader audience. To launch a successful book, it’s essential to learn from thought leaders who have navigated the world of publishing. In this blog, we’ll outline 20 invaluable writing tips drawn from renowned authors, experts, and our team’s experience in business and personal development.

1. Start with a Clear Purpose

Before you begin writing, take the time to clarify the main purpose and message of your book. Identifying your “why” will serve as a guiding light throughout your writing journey, ensuring your content remains focused and impactful. Your purpose should resonate deeply with your own passion and beliefs, motivating you during challenging moments in the writing process.

2. Know Your Audience

In-depth knowledge of your target readers is crucial. Understand their demographics, interests, and pain points so you can tailor your book to address their specific needs and provide valuable insights that resonate with them. By conducting surveys or engaging with your audience directly, you can gather valuable feedback to refine your understanding of their preferences and concerns.

3. Craft a Compelling Hook

The opening pages of your book are your opportunity to captivate your audience. A compelling hook, whether it’s a thought-provoking question, a gripping anecdote, or a bold statement, should entice readers and compel them to continue reading. Consider experimenting with various hooks and seek feedback from beta readers to ensure you’ve chosen the most compelling one for your book.

4. Develop a Unique Voice

Embracing your own voice and personality in your writing makes your book authentic and relatable. Readers appreciate genuine authors who aren’t afraid to be themselves, creating a stronger connection between you and your audience. Your unique voice should reflect your values and worldview, making your book a true reflection of who you are as an author.

5. Create an Outline

A well-structured outline acts as your roadmap, helping you organize your thoughts, chapters, and key points. It ensures a logical flow in your book and simplifies the writing process. As you create your outline, pay attention to the balance of ideas and themes throughout your book to maintain a cohesive narrative.

6. Write Regularly

Consistency is key to progress. Establish a writing routine that works for you, whether it’s daily, weekly, or another schedule that allows you to steadily advance toward your book’s completion. Consider setting specific word count goals for each writing session to maintain a sense of achievement and momentum.

7. Edit Ruthlessly

In line with the advice of renowned author and speaker Malcolm Gladwell, the first draft is just the beginning. Dedicate time to revise and edit your work meticulously, refining your ideas and language to make your book shine. After completing your initial edits, consider seeking the expertise of a professional editor to provide a fresh perspective and further improve the quality of your manuscript.

8. Be Concise

Keep your writing concise and to the point, avoiding unnecessary jargon or verbosity. Clarity and simplicity make your content more accessible to readers. While editing, pay attention to sentence structure and word choice to eliminate any redundancies or extraneous details that may detract from the clarity of your message.

9. Tell Stories

Incorporate relevant stories and anecdotes into your book. Stories have a unique power to engage readers emotionally, making your message more memorable and relatable. Ensure that the stories you choose are not only engaging but also directly reinforce the key points and lessons you want your readers to take away.

10. Offer Practical Solutions

Marshall Goldsmith suggests that your book should be a source of actionable advice. Readers should not only gain insights but also have concrete steps they can take to improve their lives or businesses. Your practical solutions should be well-researched and tested, providing readers with a clear path to implement your guidance effectively.

11. Embrace Vulnerability

As Brené Brown advises, don’t shy away from sharing your own vulnerabilities and challenges. Being open about your own experiences can make your writing more authentic and create a deeper connection with your audience. Embrace vulnerability as a strength, not a weakness, and use it to build trust and relatability with your readers.

12. Research Thoroughly

A well-researched book builds credibility and trust with your readers. Be diligent in your research, explore a variety of sources, and ensure you properly cite and reference your research materials to maintain integrity.

13. Seek Feedback

External feedback can provide valuable insights and help you refine your book to better meet your audience’s needs. Create a structured feedback process that encourages honest critique, and be open to making revisions based on the feedback you receive.

14. Find Your Writing Routine

Establish a writing routine that aligns with your personal creativity and productivity patterns. Find the time of day when you’re most inspired and focused. Experiment with different writing environments and routines until you discover the one that allows you to consistently produce your best work.

15. Embrace Failure

Setbacks and rejection are part of the writing journey. Learn from your failures, persevere, and keep honing your craft. Use failures as opportunities for growth and resilience, understanding that every setback brings you one step closer to success.

16. Stay Current

In the ever-evolving worlds of business and personal development, staying up-to-date with the latest research, trends, and industry insights is essential. Daniel Pink encourages writers to maintain their relevance. Subscribe to relevant industry publications, attend conferences, and network with experts to stay informed and provide your readers with fresh, valuable perspectives.

17. Build Your Platform

A strong platform can greatly impact your book’s success. Invest time in building your website, social media presence, and email list, and engage with your audience regularly to create a community of dedicated followers.

18. Collaborate

Co-authoring with experts in your field, as Richard Branson suggests, can enhance the depth and breadth of your book’s content. Collaboration can also expand your reach and credibility. When collaborating, clearly define roles, responsibilities, and expectations to ensure a seamless writing process and a cohesive final product.

19. Set Realistic Goals

Zig Ziglar advises authors to set achievable writing and publishing goals. Breaking down your book project into manageable milestones helps maintain motivation and momentum. Track your progress and celebrate each accomplishment along the way to keep your motivation high and your focus unwavering.

20. Never Stop Learning

Warren Buffett’s wisdom extends to writing—continual self-improvement and learning are essential. Stay curious, read widely, and strive to grow as a writer to create even better books in the future. Attend writing workshops, take courses, and seek opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills as an author to continually elevate your writing.

Putting it All Together

Whether you’re an aspiring author or have written multiple books to date, integrating these insights into your writing process will help you create impactful and influential content that resonates with your audience. Remember: the path to becoming a thought leader in your own right begins with sharing your wisdom through the written word.

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5 Steps to Take Before Hiring a Ghostwriter

Hiring a ghostwriter to bring your book idea to life is a significant decision that requires careful planning and consideration. Whether you’re an aspiring author looking to share your story or an entrepreneur with valuable insights to share, finding the right ghostwriter is crucial to the success of your project. Before you embark on this journey, here are five essential steps to take before hiring a ghostwriter.

1. Define Your Vision and Goals

The first step in the ghostwriting process is to clearly define your vision and goals for your book. This lays the foundation for everything that follows. Take the time to outline the following aspects of your project:

  • Message: What is the central idea or theme of your book? What do you want readers to take away from it?
  • Target Audience: Who is your intended audience? Understanding your readership is vital for tailoring the writing style and content to their needs and preferences.
  • Objectives: What do you hope to achieve with your book? Are you aiming to educate, inspire, entertain, or inform?
  • High-Level Topics: Identify the key topics or chapters you want to include in your book. These topics should align with your message and resonate with your target audience.

By having a clear vision and well-defined goals, you provide your ghostwriter with the necessary guidance to craft a book that meets your expectations.

2. Set a Realistic Budget

Before you start your search for a ghostwriter, it’s essential to determine your budget for the associated services. While it’s tempting to cut costs, remember that investing in quality writing is an investment in the success of your book. Ghostwriting fees vary widely and are dependent on the writer’s experience, your scheduling goals, and the complexity of the project.

To set a realistic budget:

  • Research Average Rates: Start by researching the average rates for ghostwriting services in your genre or industry. This will give you a ballpark figure to work with.
  • Consider Your Project’s Complexity: The intended length and anticipated complexity of your book and its subject matter will impact the cost. A memoir, for example, may require more research and interviews than a straightforward short business guide.
  • Factor in Editing and Revisions: Remember that the initial writing is just the beginning. Editing and revisions will likely be necessary, so allocate a portion of your budget for these stages.

By having a clear budget in mind, you can approach potential ghostwriters with transparency and ensure that you receive quality work within your financial constraints.

3. Research and Select the Right Ghostwriter

Finding the right ghostwriter for your project is a critical step that requires thorough research and evaluation. Here’s how to go about it:

  • Seek Recommendations: Start by asking for recommendations from fellow authors, colleagues, or industry experts who have experience with ghostwriters. Personal referrals can be invaluable in finding a trustworthy writer.
  • Review Portfolios: Most ghostwriters have portfolios showcasing their previous work. Review these samples to assess their writing style, versatility, and quality.
  • Conduct Interviews: Schedule interviews with potential ghostwriters to discuss your project, vision, and expectations. This is also an opportunity to gauge their communication skills and compatibility.
  • Check References: Ask for references from previous clients and reach out to them to inquire about their experiences working with the ghostwriter. Pay attention to feedback regarding professionalism, reliability, meeting deadlines, and creativity.
  • Sign a Clear Contract: Once you’ve selected a ghostwriter, it’s essential to have a clear and comprehensive contract in place. The contract should outline payment terms, deadlines, project scope, confidentiality agreements, and any other relevant terms.
  • Work with a Reputable Agency: Find a reliable ghostwriter by working through a qualified firm, like Amplify, or another reputable institution like Gotham Ghostwriters or Kevin Anderson & Associates. These agencies often have a roster of experienced writers and can help match you with the right professional for your specific project.

Taking the time to research and select the right ghostwriter ensures that you find a professional who not only aligns with your vision but also possesses the skills and experience to bring your book to life effectively and to its full potential.

4. Prepare Your Content and Research Materials

To streamline the ghostwriting process and help your chosen writer understand your project better, gather as much relevant content and research materials as possible before starting the collaboration. This includes:

  • Existing Content: If you’ve already written portions of your book or have relevant blog posts, articles, or notes that capture your voice effectively, provide these to the ghostwriter. They can use these as reference points or incorporate them into the manuscript.
  • Outlines and Notes: If you’ve outlined your book or have specific ideas for each chapter, share these with the ghostwriter. The more information you provide, the better they can align their writing with your vision.
  • Research Materials: Share any research materials, studies, data, or statistics that are relevant to your book’s content. This information will help the ghostwriter ensure accuracy and credibility.
  • Past Speeches or Transcripts: If you’ve delivered relevant keynote speeches in the past or have transcripts available, sharing them with your ghostwriter can provide valuable insights into your speaking style, tone, and preferred messaging.
  • Keynote Presentation Slides: If your speeches require visual aids, such as PowerPoint slides, share any existing templates, graphics, or design preferences you have in mind. 
  • Personal Anecdotes: If your book includes personal stories or anecdotes, be prepared to share them with the ghostwriter. These personal touches add authenticity and relatability to your book.

By providing your ghostwriter with a well-organized collection of materials, you enable them to start the writing process smoothly and efficiently.

5. Establish a Timeline

Finally, it’s crucial to establish a clear timeline for your ghostwriting project. You can expect that the writer will take the lead on setting individual milestones, but be sure to communicate any critical dates that you know in advance. Consider the following aspects when setting the timeline:

  • Writing Schedule: Determine when you expect to receive drafts and updates from the ghostwriter. Establish a regular communication schedule to track progress.
  • Revisions and Editing: Plan for the time needed for revisions, editing, and feedback rounds. A thorough editing process is essential for polishing your manuscript.
  • Publishing Goals: If you have a specific publication date in mind, talk with your publisher and communicate the information to the ghostwriter. Keep in mind that the entire publishing process, including formatting, cover design, and distribution, takes time once the manuscript itself is finalized.
  • Flexibility: While it’s essential to have a timeline in place, also be flexible and understanding. Unexpected delays or revisions may arise during the writing process, so build in some buffer time.

Effective communication and collaboration between you and the ghostwriter are key to meeting your project’s timeline and ensuring a successful outcome.

Hire a Ghostwriter With Confidence

Hiring a ghostwriter is a significant step in bringing your book idea to life. By following these five essential steps—defining your vision and goals, setting a realistic budget, researching and selecting the right ghostwriter, preparing your content and research materials, and establishing a timeline—you can embark on this journey with confidence. With the right ghostwriter by your side, you’ll be one step closer to turning your book dream into a reality.

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9 Online Author Hacks to Boost Your Writing and Thought Leadership

In 2023, authors have a plethora of online tools and technology at their fingertips to enhance their writing experience and productivity. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting your authorial journey, these nine online author hacks can be game-changers and help you become more efficient and effective. 

9 Websites and Digital Tools to Utilize

1. Grammarly: Elevating Your Writing Quality

As an author, impeccable grammar and spelling are nonnegotiable. Grammarly, a powerful online writing assistant, acts as your vigilant editor, helping you correct grammar and spelling errors while offering suggestions to improve your writing style. It not only polishes your prose but also educates you on common mistakes, making you a better writer in the process.


  • Enhanced Writing Quality: Grammarly helps eliminate grammar and spelling errors from your, boosting your credibility as an author.
  • Improved Writing Style: The platform offers style suggestions, helping you refine your unique voice and engage your readers effectively.

2. Hemingway Editor: Crafting Clear and Concise Prose

Ernest Hemingway was renowned for his straightforward and concise writing style, and the Hemingway Editor aims to help you achieve the same. This web-based tool highlights complex sentences, common errors, and suggests improvements to make your writing clearer and more concise.


  • Clarity and Readability: Hemingway Editor ensures your writing is easy to understand and captivates readers from the first word.
  • Saves Editing Time: It streamlines the editing process, making your work more polished and ready for publication.

3. Evernote: Your Digital Note-Taking Companion

Authors often find inspiration in the most unexpected places. Evernote is a versatile note-taking app that allows you to capture and organize your ideas, research, and inspiration in one place. With its syncing capabilities across devices, you’ll never lose a brilliant idea again.


  • Organization: Evernote helps you categorize and store your ideas, making them easily accessible when you need them.
  • Collaboration: You can collaborate with other writers or researchers, streamlining the collaborative writing process.

4. Goodreads: Author’s Social Media Playground

Building an online presence as an author is crucial for connecting with your audience and promoting your work. Goodreads provides the ideal platform for authors to connect with readers, promote their books, and discover new ones. You can join book clubs, engage in discussions, and even run giveaways to gain exposure.


  • Audience Engagement: Interact with readers, gain feedback, and build a dedicated fan base.
  • Book Promotion: Showcase your work, participate in giveaways, and leverage the platform’s advertising options to boost book sales.

5. Scrivener: The Ultimate Writing Software

Scrivener is the go-to writing software for authors who need robust tools for planning, outlining, and organizing their writing projects. It allows you to break your work into manageable sections, making it easier to structure your book.


  • Project Organization: Scrivener’s unique organizational features help you stay on top of your project, no matter its complexity.
  • Efficiency: The software streamlines the writing process, saving you time and reducing distractions.

6. 750 Words: Cultivate a Writing Habit

One of the biggest challenges for authors is maintaining a consistent writing routine. 750 Words is a platform designed to help you overcome this hurdle by encouraging you to write 750 words every day. It tracks your progress and motivates you to build a daily writing habit.


  • Consistency: Developing a daily writing habit is key to completing long-term projects.
  • Accountability: The platform holds you accountable, tracking your daily word count and encouraging regular writing.

7. Capitalize My Title: Title Capitalization Made Easy

Getting the capitalization of titles, subtitles, chapters, and headings correct can be a tedious task. Capitalize My Title simplifies this process with a user-friendly website that ensures your titles are properly capitalized according to style guidelines, including The Chicago Manual of Style, which is sure to be your editor’s and publisher’s preference.


  • Professionalism: Correct title capitalization enhances the professionalism of your work, whether it’s a book, chapter heading, or blog post.
  • Time-Saver: Save time by avoiding manual capitalization rules, allowing you to focus on your writing.

8. Quillbot: AI-Powered Sentence Correction

Avoiding mistakes in your writing is crucial, but it’s not always easy to catch every error. Quillbot, a free online sentence corrector powered by AI, reviews your text for grammatical errors and offers suggestions for improvement.


  • Error-Free Writing: Quillbot ensures your writing is free from grammatical and structural errors.
  • Learning Tool: It helps you learn from your mistakes, improving your writing skills over time.

9. Linktree: Centralize Your Online Presence

Authors often have multiple online profiles, from personal websites to book listings with various retailers. Linktree allows you to consolidate all these links into one place, simplifying the process for your readers, fans, and followers to access your content.


  • Accessibility: Ensure that your audience can easily find and navigate to your various online profiles.
  • Marketing Efficiency: Use Linktree to promote your books, blog posts, and social media profiles in a cohesive manner.

It’s Time to Embrace Digital Tools

These nine online author hacks can significantly benefit writers of all experience levels. Whether you’re looking to improve your content, enhance your organization and productivity, or streamline your online presence, these tools and technologies are essential for modern authors striving to succeed in a competitive digital landscape. Embrace these resources, and watch your career flourish as you become a more efficient and effective author.

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Book-worthy Ideas

By Josh Bernoff, author of Build a Better Business Book

Is your idea worth building a book around?

Given the amount of effort required to plan, research, write, and promote an effective book, this is an important question. If your idea is too small, or too vague, or not interesting enough, then creating a book around it is a fool’s errand. But if the idea is solid, with major consequences, then writing a book might be just what you need to get people talking about it.

So let’s dig into what makes a book-worthy idea.

What is an idea?

That’s one of those questions that seems both obvious and confusing. But here’s my proposed definition:

An idea is a previously unsuspected connection among concepts that leads to nonobvious consequences.

This applies to every nonfiction book I’ve ever worked on—fifty books in total. Ideas are always built on existing concepts. What makes the idea interesting is a new way of looking at those concepts. What makes it worth working on is that it has consequences: once you understand the idea, you need to change how you think, how you plan, what you do, and how you talk about it.

For example, David Epstein’s book Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World (Riverhead Books, 2019) explains how the most successful people pursue and connect a diverse collection of expertise rather than specializing in one area. James Clear’s book Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones (Avery, 2018) is built around the idea that changing habits can generate remarkable results, along with a systematic way to understand and implement those changes.

The best ideas like these are simple—not simplistic, but simple enough to explain in a sentence. And they have three other qualities: they are big, right, and new.

Big ideas have consequences

It’s tough to write books about small ideas—you’ll run out of material. For a book that matters, you need a big idea.

That big idea can still be limited to a specific field of study, like marketing, direct marketing, or even email marketing. But it must be big enough to have facets and consequences worth writing about at length. It must create ripples. You can write a whole book about those facets, consequences, and ripples and then build a career off of your expertise in them. You’ll never run out of material.

The right ideas are believable

Here’s an idea: Social media will make the world a better place. That’s an attractive concept, but the evidence is mounting that it’s just not true.

For an idea to be persuasive, you need evidence that it’s worth taking seriously. That evidence could be data. It could be examples and case studies. It could be a synthesis of proven ideas from other people. But there has to be evidence.

New ideas stand out

To be successful, a book needs to be differentiated. You have to be able to finish the sentence, “This is the first book that . . .”

Now, there are no completely new ideas. But there are always ways to differentiate your book. Maybe you’ve written the first book about how to use AI to write movie scripts. It won’t be the first book about scriptwriting or the first book about AI, but it will still be unique in its field.

You can distinguish your idea by applying it to a new audience or a new problem, or by being the first to describe it in a step-by-step way. There are lots of ways to differentiate. But unless you differentiate your idea, you’re just a copycat. No one is well known as the second person to come up with an idea.

Simple, new, big, and right ideas spread

Simple ideas are easy to repeat.

Big ideas have far-reaching consequences.

The right ideas stand the test of time.

New ideas pique interest and attract attention.

Combine all of these, and you’ll be able to build a solid book whose premise people are likely to understand, care about, and repeat. That’s a formula for an idea that catches on.

Josh Bernoff is the author, coauthor, editor, or ghostwriter of eight business books including the social media bestseller “Groundswell.” Book projects on which he has collaborated have generated over $20 million for their authors. His blog, at www.Bernoff.com, featuring daily posts of interest to authors, has generated 4 million views. He lives with his wife, an artist, in Portland, Maine.

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How to Get the Media to Promote Your Book: Proven Strategies to Capture Media Attention and Skyrocket Your Book’s Visibility

Author: Eric Schurenberg, Amplify Publishing Group Editor-in-Chief, Former CEO of Inc. and FastCompany

Congratulations! Your book is now all but finished—the manuscript has been approved, edited, and sent off to the printer. But you’re not done yet.

Now you have to make sure the world knows your baby is born, soon to be ready to be read. The best way to spread the word beyond your own network is through the media—the complex, ever-evolving, multiheaded ecosystem of traditional journalists, podcasters, newsletter writers, bloggers, and influencers. Their reach can not only help build your book’s sales but also raise your profile. The book you created can open many doors for you as a thought leader, but it won’t do so if no one has read it. And it won’t be read if no one knows it’s out there.

Your book publisher may undertake some publicity for you, and you can always hire an independent publicity firm. But be realistic. The overstretched publicity staff inside a traditional publisher must promote many books besides yours—some of them by celebrity authors who will always get the lion’s share of attention. The in-house publicist’s first goal is to maintain their relationship with bookers and editors at media outlets, not promote your book.

Publicity firms can give you more attention, but they are expensive. You should expect to pay between $5,000 and $10,000 per month. And they cannot work miracles. You’re likely to find that even professionals have a hard time rising above the flood of books swamping media inboxes each month. To put the maximum effort into publicizing your book, you will need to wade into publicizing yourself in tandem with that of your publisher or hired PR firm.

Now, that may sound quixotic. How can you have any effect when you are new to the field and don’t have a contact list full of media stars? Well, you’re probably not going to get yourself booked on Today or reviewed in the Washington Post right out of the gate. There is simply too much competition. Steve Levingston, the Post’s longtime non-fiction book editor, has just half a dozen book review slots a week and estimates that he gets 100 pitches a day from authors and publicists seeking reviews. But if you start at a realistic level—building a foundation among smaller media outfits, practicing your pitch, and building towards your ideal outlet—you might just do better than you expect.  

Start by creating a press list that hits your target audience where they get their information

You almost certainly know your audience better than any publicist, and you have the clearest idea of where they get their media. Focus on those outlets. This will help you narrow down the number of options and find the outlets best suited to cover you. If you’re not sure, consider books that compete with yours: Where were they reviewed or otherwise covered? Find out the names of the editors or producers responsible for assigning or scheduling that coverage. Don’t limit yourself to just one platform, such as only print or only podcasts. The odds are that your audience gets its information on lots of different platforms. Explore them all. 

Before pitching anyone in media, get to know them

Once you’ve identified the decision-maker you want to pitch, study their work. Do your best to understand what interests their audience and construct your pitch accordingly. In the introductory paragraph of your email, let them know that you appreciate their work and clearly explain how your book relates to their interests and/or beat and why it would be of interest to their readers or viewers.

Craft a pitch that helps you stand out

Remember that everyone in this communication chain is pressed for time, including you. So get to the point quickly. It helps to create a core pitch that you can customize for each different outlet but that you don’t have to recreate each time.

Before you put a finger to your keyboard, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What might inspire this journalist?
  • What makes my book or message topical?
  • How do I stand apart?
  • What problem do I or my book solve?
  • What do I want to happen after I send this email?

Open your email by explaining why you’re reaching out and letting your contact know that you follow their work and understand their audience. But keep it short. Then, offer a brief overview of your book, emphasizing why it’s especially newsworthy and why it holds special meaning for your contact’s audience and your contact in particular (if you can).

Be sure to give reasons why you, as an author, are worth paying attention to. The reasons could include your professional credentials, past press you’ve received, the size of your social media following, the endorsements your book has received, or any combination of the above.  

Close with an ask that

a) they are likely to be able to grant and

b) helps them do their job.

At my former shop at Fast Company, for example, one editor was responsible for assigning stories relating to design, another for content related to social impact, and yet another managed non-journalist authors who contributed articles under their own byline. All three of them are barraged by publicists seeking attention. You’ll have a much better chance of being heard over the noise if you pitch your book on design thinking to Design Editor Suzanne LaBarre rather than to Social Impact Editor Morgan Clendaniel or to Editor-in-Chief Brendan Vaughan. Even if they don’t take you up on your pitch, they will appreciate that you took the time to avoid wasting theirs.

Follow up regularly, but not too regularly

Wait at least a week, if not two, before following up on any email you send. Be aware that it’s not unusual for a journalist to take several days or weeks to respond and, in many cases, not to respond at all. Don’t be discouraged. Instead, be thoughtful and professional when following up—try waiting until you have an update or new information to share with the journalist.

If you’ve followed up with someone a few times without a response, it’s time to move on to the next opportunity. You can always return to this same contact later if you have any game-changing developments to share.

Accept graciously when someone declines to work with you. You have everything to gain by keeping the relationship positive. For example, you can bounce back by pitching yourself as a subject-matter expert who can give commentary on a specific topic on the journalists’ beat. That kind of mention gets your name in print and gives you the chance to request your book and the purchase link included in the article. In many publications, you can propose contributing a column. Online publications are particularly fond of listicles—for example, “5 Ways to Engage Remote Employees” or “Top 10 Pieces of Advice for New Bosses.”

Consider offering giveaways, especially to radio, podcasts, and influencers. Giveaways garner interest in your book and have the added value of generating possible consumer reviews if the readers post on Goodreads or Amazon.

Play the long game.

Think of media coverage and the pitching process like pyramids. You need a strong, wide foundation in order to effectively build up to one great point at the very top. Start by pitching smaller outlets that make sense for your target audience. Outlets like local newspapers and niche podcasts can be great for this purpose. They can help establish you as a credible source of content and provide some social proof to journalists up the food chain. Plus, it allows you to practice being interviewed about your book with relatively low stakes.

Once you feel you’ve built a sufficient foundation, transition into midsized media, like regional newspapers, local TV programs, and other reputable outlets that stop short of being household names. After checking that box, you’re ready to go after the most competitive outlets, like major newspapers, popular podcasts, and primetime news programs.

Finally, remember that there are many ways, besides sales, to define your book’s success. The act of writing was no doubt a powerful way to crystallize the ideas you wanted to bring to light, and your book now serves as persuasive confirmation that you have something of value to say. But a book is likely to be just one element in a thought leadership portfolio that includes speaking, consulting, and board memberships. Maintaining a healthy relationship with the media can help on all those fronts.

In other words, remember that you are pitching the media, not just your book. You are also pitching yourself. So take the time to learn what makes each journalist or media outlook tick, and do your best to be helpful to them—as you would any client. Be courteous, persistent, empathetic, and, above all, patient, and you’ll see results.

Eric Schurenberg is Amplify Publishing Group’s editor-in-chief and a media executive, award-winning journalist, and the former CEO of Mansueto Ventures, the owner of Inc. and Fast Company media properties.

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Boosting Author Visibility and Credibility: Unveiling the Power of Trade Reviews

In the world of book publishing, reviews from reputable trade publications can significantly enhance an author’s visibility and credibility. Not only do reviews from industry publications lead to increased attention, they give you immediate credibility and respect within the industry and with readers. In this blog, we will explore four exceptional book trade review sites that are highly regarded in the industry. These platforms offer authors and publishers the opportunity to have their books reviewed, helping them gain valuable exposure and recognition.

Let’s delve into the five key benefits of obtaining press and media coverage for authors.

  • Increased Visibility: Media and review coverage exposes authors and their books to a broader audience, helping them capture the attention of readers who may not have discovered the book otherwise. This heightened visibility opens up new avenues for connecting with potential fans and readers.
  • Credibility and Validation: Positive reviews or features in reputable media outlets add a layer of credibility and validation to the author’s work. With thought leadership books in particular, readers like to know that the content they’re about to purchase and engage with is valuable and effective in advance. Endorsements from established trade publications expedite this process, helping new books and authors without many consumer reviews or history establish their reputation and quality. 
  • Book Sales: Positive press coverage and media attention can significantly impact book sales. Reviews and features in influential publications can pique readers’ interest, leading to increased book purchases and wider distribution. 
  • Industry Recognition and Awards: Well-regarded trade publications often feature books that stand out in terms of quality, originality, or impact. Being reviewed and recognized by these publications increases an author’s chances of receiving industry awards or nominations, further solidifying their position within the literary landscape. Such accolades can open doors to new opportunities, including speaking engagements, literary festivals, or collaborations with other authors.
  • Distribution: Media coverage can open doors to new distribution channels. When a book receives positive reviews or features in reputable media outlets, it gains credibility and validation. This, in turn, attracts the attention of distributors and retailers who are more likely to stock and distribute books that have garnered positive press.
  • Media Exposure and Interviews: Quality reviews often lead to media exposure, providing authors with opportunities for interviews, features, or guest appearances. These interactions allow authors to share their journey, insights, and the story behind their book—giving followers and readers a look beyond the content itself.

Now, let’s explore four trade review sites and how authors can utilize them to maximize their book’s visibility and impact:

  • Kirkus: Kirkus Reviews is one of the most well-known and respected trade publications in the book industry. With appropriate lead time, publishers can submit books from all genres to Kirkus for review consideration. It’s incredibly competitive to earn a review from Kirkus, but if you do, you’re guaranteed to impress others in the book industry. In addition to their submission option,  Kirkus offers a convenient online platform for indie authors to submit their books for review. For a small fee, authors can submit their books directly, eliminating the need for physical copies to be mailed, and receive an honest, guaranteed review in return. To learn more about Kirkus and their indie review process, visit their website.
  • Foreword Reviews and BlueInk Review: Foreword Reviews, a prominent book review magazine, offers multiple options for authors seeking reviews. Authors can submit their books for editorial reviews, although acceptance is not guaranteed, or request a paid review. Either way, the author will receive high-quality, honest feedback in return on their work.For more information about these review options, visit the Foreword Reviews website.
  • Publishers Weekly: Publishers Weekly, another renowned trade publication, primarily prefers submissions from publishers. PW is one of the most competitive trade reviewers within the industry, so always check with your publisher at least four months in advnace of your publication date to see if your book has been submitted for consideration. However, authors have had some success submitting their books independently as well,  the paid option called BookLife. For more information about BookLife and their review submission guidelines, visit the BookLife website: Additionally, Publisher’s Weekly offers a non-paid, editorial option called GalleyTracker, reserved exclusively for publishers.
  • Booklist and Library Journal: Booklist and Library Journal are prestigious trade publications known for their formal and selective review processes whose primary audience is librarians. Unlike the previously mentioned platforms, these publications exclusively accept books from publishers. Authors can engage submission services to handle the process, which typically involves shipping physical copies of the book to both BookList and LibraryJournal, but they must submit their books through their publishers.

Elevating Your Book’s Visibility and Success

Obtaining reviews from prominent trade publications is an excellent way for authors and publishers to gain exposure and media attention for their books. The review sites mentioned—Kirkus, Foreword Reviews, BlueInk Review, Publishers Weekly, Bookkist, and Library Journal—all offer unique opportunities for authors to have their books reviewed by qualified individuals. By carefully considering each platform’s submission process and requirements, authors can make informed decisions about which sites align best with their goals and target audience. Regardless of the chosen platform, these trade reviews can significantly contribute to an author’s visibility, credibility, and overall success.

The benefits of this type of coverage also extend beyond the initial review, often leading to increased book sales, audience expansion, and industry recognition. Engaging with these trade review sites opens doors to new opportunities and establishes a strong presence within the literary world. As authors navigate the publishing landscape, harnessing the power of press and media becomes an essential component of their promotional strategy. Embracing these trade review platforms is a crucial step toward achieving recognition and success in the competitive world of publishing.

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Cracking the Code: The True Return on Your Investment in a Thought Leadership Book

Author: Eric Schurenberg, Amplify Publishing Group Editor-in-Chief, Former CEO of Inc. and FastCompany

When I talk to first-time authors about creating a book with Amplify, one question inevitably arises: “Will my book sell enough copies to make a positive return on my investment?” I don’t think it’s the right question, exactly, but I get it. So, I give the author a choice of two replies: the strictly factual one and the useful one.

The factual answer is that sales depend on a host of imponderables. To name a few: the breadth of your book’s audience appeal at the time of publication; the size and devotion of your following; the elbow grease you’re willing to put into marketing; the presence or absence of competitive titles at the time of release; and the book’s staying power over time. Because Amplify’s policy on bulk sales is particularly favorable to authors (you keep 85 percent of the cover price versus 70 percent at the typical competitor), another factor is how likely your book is to win bulk sales.

Still, let’s be honest: Bestsellers are vanishingly rare. If your main reason for writing is to get rich off of book sales alone, you’re playing some mighty long odds.

There is a more useful answer, though, and it starts with another question: For you, what really counts as return? You would not be reading this post if you didn’t already believe

a) that you have knowledge others find valuable and

b) that you get personal satisfaction out of deepening that knowledge and sharing it.

I’ve seen how instrumental a book can be in raising an author’s profile and burnishing their reputation. I’ve seen that building a personal brand delivers significant financial return. I’ve also seen how deeply fulfilling it can be for an author to research, build unique knowledge, and deliver a book that serves a personal mission. In other words, if you can measure success by something other than the cash registers at Amazon or Barnes & Noble, let’s talk.

Start by thinking about what a book is. It is a sustained, deep crystallization of the unique ideas and perspectives you bring to the world. Even in a digital world, a book carries magic. It has an impact. It changes minds. And it endures in a way that more transitory content can’t. Think of the books that have moved you. In the business world, Good to Great, The Big Short, Moneyball, and The Hard Thing About Hard Things are still quoted today, decades after their launch. In personal growth, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and Daring Greatly still inspire years after publication. You can’t say the same about those authors’ decades-old blog posts or podcast episodes.

The very effort involved in creating a book solidifies any existing reputation you have as an expert and can actually create a new identity, which can have a powerful payoff. Take, for example, David Pachter, a serial entrepreneur whose book Remote Leadership discusses how business leaders can embrace a remote workforce and build a company culture to support it. The book landed just as the COVID-19 pandemic dispersed workers to home offices, and publications like Time, Forbes, and Business Insider devoured it. In an instant, Pachter became more than just a small business executive. The book and the exposure it triggered established him as an oft-quoted thinker on one of the most powerful trends in workplace management.

Even without a media splash, a book can serve as a calling card—a memorable way to establish both your credibility and your unique ideas. Alisa Cohn, a top-ranked executive coach, introduces herself not by naming the CEOs she has coached but by name-dropping her book From Start-up to Grown-up. She explains, “In a matter of seconds, the book cements my credibility—because a book gives you credibility like nothing else—and my area of expertise, which is helping startup founders make the journey to full-fledged CEO.” Since the book was published, Alisa has found herself forced to turn away business from start-up founders eager to get her guidance on their journey.

More than just a calling card or a repository of your ideas, a book can be the source for a whole platform of ancillary thought-leadership content, including webinars, online courses, social media newsletters, and podcasts. For example, Ben Lytle, the visionary former CEO of healthcare provider Anthem, mined his book The Potentialist to create a three-part webinar series about the future of higher education. Kate Purmal reengineered whole chapters from the audio version of her personal development book, Composure, into podcast episodes. If listeners liked what they heard, they could order the audiobook. The added exposure reinvigorated sales of Composure, which in turn sparked other business for Purmal. “As more people began to get the book in their hands,” she says, “I began to get new inbound opportunities for speaking, executive coaching, and hosting internal corporate programs and workshops.”

More than anything else, the investment you make in a book is an investment in yourself. It is a bet that the hard-won knowledge you have acquired in your life—the stories you have to tell and the ideas you have to share—is of value to others. If you’re right about that, the financial ROI can manifest in any number of ways besides book sales, as it has for many Amplify authors. A book is also a bet that you will find satisfaction in assembling your knowledge and life experience into one coherent work of literary art. If you’re right about that, the ROI there may be harder to quantify, but it’s real. There’s only one way to find out.

Eric Schurenberg is Amplify Publishing Group’s editor-in-chief and a media executive, award-winning journalist, and the former CEO of Mansueto Ventures, the owner of Inc. and Fast Company media properties.

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5 Benefits of Collaborating with a Ghostwriter to Bring Your Book to Life

Ghostwriters are incredibly valuable resources for authors who want to share their ideas, stories, or expertise with the world but don’t have the time or inclination to write a book themselves. At Amplify, we employ a meticulous interviewing process to align our authors with skilled ghostwriters who prioritize our client’s vision, objectives, and tone.

If you’re weighing the pros and cons of hiring a ghostwriter to carry the writing lift on your book, here are five crucial benefits that hiring a ghostwriter brings to the table:

  1. Expertise: You might be the leading authority in your field and an excellent communicator, but putting expertise on paper isn’t as easy as it might seem.  Ghostwriters are professionals who specialize in crafting compelling content and communicating complex ideas—skills that are crucial when writing long-form content like a book.
  1. Efficiency: Writing a book takes time, which is a precious commodity for thought leaders. Even if you have the ability and interest to write your book, your schedule might not allow it. A ghostwriter will handle the writing process from start to finish, allowing your book idea to come to fruition significantly faster than it otherwise might have. 
  1. Objectivity: A ghostwriter can provide a fresh perspective and help you see your ideas in a new light. With the benefit of their expertise and point of view, your manuscript will end up more well-rounded, balanced, and accurate.
  1. Confidentiality: Ghostwriters usually operate under a confidentiality agreement, which means they won’t disclose their involvement in the writing process unless you want them to. This can be important for thought leaders who want to keep their writing process private.
  1. Stress reduction: Hiring a ghostwriter keeps your deadlines manageable and allows you to focus on other tasks, like exploring publishers or building your personal brand. Though you’ll be responsible for reviewing outlines, research, and chapters as they progress, you can relax knowing that your book is consistently moving forward even on the days you don’t think about it.  

If you have a book idea but aren’t sure how to execute it, hiring a ghostwriter might be the solution. Interested in learning more about ghostwriting services or need assistance figuring out if this is the best path for you? Use our contact form to connect with a member of our team.

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7 Key Questions to Ask Yourself Before Writing a Book and How They Can Impact Your Writing Process

“I should write a book.” It’s a common idea thought leaders and those with influence have, and it’s one worth exploring. Infinitely rewarding and usually resulting in new and unexpected professional opportunities, writing a book is something everyone should consider if they have the knowledge to share, a story to tell, or are looking to widen their reach and impact a larger audience.

But before diving headfirst into such a critical, extensive project, there are seven key questions you should ask yourself to ensure you’re prepared for the journey ahead:

  1. Why do you want to write a book?

Before you get started conducting research, outlining material, or interviewing ghostwriters or book coaches, it’s important to establish what you want your book to achieve. Your primary goal might be to generate new business, expand on the core concepts you’re already sharing in other mediums, or to transition into another phase of your career. Or, maybe you want to sell as many copies as possible to establish a second stream of income or leverage your book to make guest appearances on podcasts by other thought leaders who you’ve always admired.

No matter your goal, if you go into your work with a clear mind and set expectations, you’ll be able to select partners who understand and embrace your vision and feel confident that you’re always moving forward on the path that’s best for you.

  1. Who is your target audience?

Knowing you want your book to be read is one thing. Knowing who you want to read it is another. Establishing a target audience is critical before writing and publishing a book—without one, you risk overlooking the people who need your ideas the most and lessening the cultural impact of your work.

Ask yourself additional questions, like: “In order to achieve my goals, who needs to read my book?,” “Who will benefit the most from my ideas and viewpoint?,” or “Who is responding to my content already?” Once you have the answers, you’ll be able to tailor your writing and overall structure to your audience’s needs and expectations.

  1. What makes your book unique?

Unless you’re planning to write a book on a cutting-edge topic that’s never been explored before (and you might be!), there’s likely another book like yours on sale already. That’s not necessarily a bad thing—spend some time reading titles that are in the same genre or subgenre as yours and figure out how you can and should stand apart.

For example, you might be able to explain certain concepts more effectively than anyone ever before, or you might have a new take on an old idea. Either way, determining what makes your book special will help you reach your target audience and will ensure your project reaches its full potential.

  1. What is your writing style?

For many, this can be one of the hardest questions to answer. If you haven’t written a book before or plan to work with a ghostwriter, you might not know what style best suits your subject matter or what you ultimately prefer.

Take a step back and identify both the books you most like to read and the books your target audience is most often reading. Use those as a jumping off point to find the style that feels most comfortable and effective for your content.

  1. How will you write your book?

Once you’ve answered the first four questions, you’ll need to decide how you want to execute your book. In most cases, there are three primary options:

  1. Write it yourself with editorial support
  2. Write it yourself with the support of a writing coach
  3. Onboard a professional ghostwriter

The choice ultimately comes down to your bandwidth, writing and research capabilities, and personal preference. There’s no wrong path to producing a book, and what’s best for one author might not be for another. Consider what will benefit your messages and aspirations the most and make the choice that’s right for you.

  1. What resources do you have at your disposal?

Whether or not you write the book yourself, you’ll need to lean on connections and external resources at some point during the process. You might want to integrate real-world case studies from colleagues in your manuscript, access another writer’s research, or ask a high-profile member of your network for an endorsement.

Figure out who you know and who might be willing and able to help you, and remember to lean on them when the time comes.

  1. How will you utilize those resources to promote your book?

It might seem far away now, but it’s never too early to begin promoting a new book. Start brainstorming promotional ideas and opportunities and always be thinking of who might be able to amplify your book’s reach once marketing is at the center of your focus.

By taking the time to ask yourself important questions before you start writing or working with a ghostwriter, you’ll ensure your manuscript is purposeful, well-organized, and motivated by clear objectives. 

Need help getting started? Contact us today.

Asking yourself questions before you start writing a book can be an important step in the writing process. Here are a few reasons why it’s important to ask yourself questions before you begin writing:

  1. It helps you define your goals: Asking yourself questions about what you want to achieve with your book can help you clarify your goals and ensure that your writing is focused and purposeful.
  1. It helps you understand your audience: Asking yourself questions about who your audience is and what they might be interested in reading can help you tailor your writing to meet their needs and preferences.
  1. It helps you organize your thoughts: Asking yourself questions can help you think more critically about your writing and organize your thoughts in a logical and coherent manner.
  1. It helps you stay motivated: Asking yourself questions about your motivations for writing a book and what you hope to achieve can help you stay motivated and focused during the writing process.

By taking the time to ask yourself important questions before you start writing, you can ensure that your writing is purposeful, well-organized, and motivated by clear goals and objectives. This can help you write a book that is more engaging and enjoyable for your readers.

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Do You Need a Publicist? 8 Questions to Guide an Author’s Decision

As an author, your book is your baby, and you want it to reach as many readers as possible. This is where a publicist can be an invaluable resource. A publicist has the expertise and connections to get your book in front of the right people, improve your media presence and interview skills, and increase the overall visibility of both you and your book. 

Beyond securing media opportunities and interviews, publicists can also help you navigate the complex world of book reviews, bestseller lists, and personal brand development and can help you develop a long-term strategy for success. When it comes to promoting a new book, these are the elements that boost your book’s visibility and help get your content into the hands of people who need it. 

That said, it’s crucial to remember that not all publicists are created equal, and someone with decades of experience still might not be equipped to help you reach your desired audience. And, depending on your skill set and interest level, you might not need to invest in a publicist at all.

To decide if hiring a publicist is the most strategic move for you, you’ll need to do your research and seek out someone who understands your vision, your content, and your goals. 

Before taking the leap,  ask yourself a few questions to ensure you’re making the right decision.

8 Questions to Ask Yourself

What do I hope to achieve with my book?

Before you sign an agreement, you need to be clear on what you hope to achieve with your book. Do you want to get it in front of as many people as possible? If so, hiring a publicist is likely the best move. You’ll need to find someone who can secure numerous and wide-ranging media opportunities—from interviews on growing podcasts to features in leading or national publications. 

Are you interested in becoming a bestseller or selling a certain number of copies? In that case, you’ll be best served to partner with someone experienced in facilitating speaking opportunities and putting together a strategic book launch campaign. 

Either way, knowing what you want to achieve will help you ask the right questions when interviewing potential publicity partners or help you decide if it’s the right path for you at all. 

Do I have the time to promote my book effectively?

Promoting a book takes time and effort, so it’s important to understand just how much time you can devote to that work. If you don’t have a list of influential and relevant contacts handy, you’ll need to brainstorm who best to present your book to, secure their contact information, make the connection, and manage any necessary follow-up and resulting conversations. 

If you’re busy with other projects or your business, it may be difficult to carve out the time you need to do this successfully.

Am I familiar with the media landscape and how to pitch to journalists?

If you’re not closely following what journalists are regularly writing or inquiring about, it can be difficult to break through and capture the attention you want and need from media. Or worse: if you’re not paying attention, you might miss the ideal opportunity to promote your book.

A publicist can help you navigate this terrain and get your book in front of the right people at the right time and in the right way.

Do I have a pre-existing network of media contacts?

If you already have a network of media contacts and are comfortable leveraging them, it may not be necessary to hire a publicist. However, if you’re starting from scratch or need separation, a publicist can help you build your network and take the lead in communication.

Am I comfortable with public speaking and being interviewed?

Promoting a book often involves public speaking and being interviewed by journalists. If you’re not comfortable with these activities, a publicist might not be the best fit for you. Instead, you may want to focus on other book promotion opportunities like social media or digital advertising.

However, if you’re willing to learn or eager to get in conversation with a member of the media, a publicist will both help you prepare for these types of engagements and make sure you’re interview ready.

Do I know the right questions to ask once I’ve secured a media opportunity?

Securing a media opportunity is just the first step. Once you’ve landed an interview or speaking engagement, it’s important to know the right questions to ask to make the most of the opportunity. A publicist can help you prepare for these situations and make sure you’re ready to capitalize on them.

Do I know the dos and don’ts of this type of work?

Promoting a book can be tricky, and there are certain dos and don’ts to keep in mind. For example, try not to pitch multiple journalists at the same publication on the same beat, endeavor to pitch your book during normal business hours for the best results, and stick with email unless the journalist requests a call. 

If you have an eye for determining unspoken rules, you might not need a publicist to navigate these waters, but if you need some assistance learning the ins and outs of the industry, a publicist will make sure you’re represented professionally and always putting your best foot forward.

Can I afford to invest in a publicist’s services?

Finally, it’s important to ask yourself if you can afford to secure a publicist’s services. Publicists are an investment, and though typically worthwhile,  it’s important to weigh the cost against the potential benefits before making a decision.

Is a Publicist Right for You?

In the end, hiring a publicist is usually a smart choice for authors looking to boost their book’s promotion and media presence, but it’s crucial to approach this decision with careful consideration and strategy. The questions outlined in this post can help you identify your goals, determine if a publicist is right for you, and find the partner who brings what you need to the table.
If you’re interested in future guidance and support during your publishing journey, don’t hesitate to contact us today. At Amplify Publishing Group, we specialize in helping authors like you achieve success through expert book marketing and publicity services.

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