Thinking Outside the Boss

The Four Uncommon Leadership Principles to Equip Your People and Build Your Organization

In a world obsessed with leadership, lots of organizations and the people who are at the helm get sidetracked in the haze of finding simple solutions and looking good. They avoid the fundamentals of what it authentically means to be accountable for developing a plan and encouraging the team to put it into action.

When this wrongminded direction takes place, a new mindset is necessary, one that prioritizes employees and empowers everyone to think outside the boss. Oskhar Pineda's businesses were a success in the construction industry because he used four pillars—vulnerability, communication, trust, and mission. These are the concepts needed for your organization too. You can reach greater heights than you ever thought possible when you make sure to put your employees first. It not only improves their quality of life, it maximizes your productivity.

Businesses don't have to choose profits over people. Pineda’s three decades of keeping team members engaged, are the antithesis of that misguided thinking. If the people who do the work in an organization are happy, the quality of their rises, customers are pleased, and business booms.

The traditional lures, benefits, and perks don't promote employee commitment and loyalty. The pandemic was a painful reminder that the fundamentals of leadership and the foundation of what creates a great business is always about putting employees first—this is thinking outside the boss.

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ISBN: 978-1-63755-710-5
SKU: 18-1138-01
Categories:Amplify Publishing, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources, Leadership and Management, Thought Leadership, Inspiration and Personal Success

Thinking Outside the Boss is a profound reminder that leadership is not about commanding from the top but fostering a culture of trust, vulnerability, and mission-driven teamwork. With decades of success in the construction industry, Pineda demonstrates how prioritizing people over profits creates organizations where employees thrive, productivity soars, and businesses achieve sustainable success. This book is an essential read for anyone looking to redefine leadership and build workplaces where everyone, from employees to customers, benefits.”

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Thinkers50 #1 executive coach, New York Times bestselling author of The Earned Life, Triggers, and What Got You Here Won't Get You There

“Oskhar Pineda is the kind of leader every business needs. He gets it: success isn’t just about the bottom line—it’s about empowering the people around you to shine.”

Mel Robbins, New York Times bestselling author, host of The Mel Robbins Podcast

“The formula for directing a high-achieving organization is not that difficult even if the steps to implement it can be. Oskhar Pineda simplifies both: build a community where your people are invested in their work and care about each other. Productivity improves, profits rise, and everyone is being the best version of themselves. Thinking Outside the Boss is a brilliant reminder to entrepreneurs and other leaders to do everyone a favor and get out of their own way.”

Josh Linkner, New York Times bestselling author, five-time tech entrepreneur, venture capital investor

“Too often, people in charge forget that leading an organization is first and foremost a people game. Take care of your employees, they’ll take care of your customers, and your customers will take care of your business. Everybody wins. Oskhar’s been grinding for thirty years with phenomenal results and his life is testament to this truth. Read Thinking Outside the Boss and become inspired to do the same.”

Ryan Estis, author, keynote speaker, and founding partner, ImpactEleven

“What sets Thinking Outside the Boss apart is its authenticity. Oskhar’s journey and experiences are woven into every chapter, making his insights not just theoretical but deeply personal and actionable. Oskhar’s wisdom, humility, and passion for leadership shine through every page. This book doesn’t just teach you to think differently—it challenges you to lead differently. It has left a profound impact on me, and I’m confident it will do the same for you.”

Sam Thevanayagam, president and CEO at Parts Life, Inc., DeVal Lifecycle Support, and LC Engineers, Inc.

“Oskhar Pineda has spent decades as the boss, and he knows what many in charge aren’t willing to admit: leadership should not be a top-down structure. Organizations don’t excel when team members rely on the person at the top to handle the tough stuff that inevitably hits the fan; they excel when leaders mentor, share, and empower. Oskhar is a prime example of radical humility in action, and the principles in this book serve as a guide for leaders at any stage of their careers to embrace.”

Urs Koenig, former UN peacekeeper, founder of the Radical Humility Leadership Institute, bestselling author of Radical Humility: Be a Badass Leader and a Good Human

Oskhar Pineda

Keynote Speaker, CEO, and Entrepreneur

Oskhar Pineda’s unyielding dedication to the pillars of his employee-based foundational leadership has been the cornerstone of his more than three decades as a successful entrepreneur, CEO, venture capital investor, and keynote speaker.

Pineda is a team and community builder. His businesses have achieved consistent profitability and longevity through four economic recessions and unstable financial markets. Specializing in the construction and engineering industry, Pineda has led organizations by developing a culture of trust and quality for clients and providing an inspiring place for employees to have the opportunity to grow together, prioritizing mutual respect and excellence.

He has built long-term relationships with civil engineers, real estate conglomerates, and others to lead critical building-repair initiatives. As a thought leader, he now teaches and collaborates with organizations to be people-first, helping them build consistently cohesive teams, lasting foundational cultures, and the grit and compassion to develop robust, effective, and lifelong leadership.

LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram: @OSKHARPINEDA