The Potentialist

The Pursuit of Wisdom

What if your potential and capacity for wisdom were greater than you ever imagined, achievable at no cost and in less time than daily grooming?

Most of us consider wisdom to be a quality only achievable with age, or by other people. We don’t see it possible for ourselves, or only occasionally. Few people can define wisdom or how to attain it. We are equally uninformed about potential’s meaning, achievement, and connection to wisdom and living well. Yet wisdom and untapped potential reside in everyone, waiting to be released.

Wisdom and potential are our ideal adaptive responses for these challenging times. Five converging forces are creating a new twenty-first century reality defined by unavoidable life-altering changes and unprecedented decisions. We are anxious and overwhelmed as the world and our lives change faster than we can comprehend and adapt. The old ways of adapting aren’t working because complex changes and decisions are coming at us too fast. In this New Reality, the wise will thrive, and the unprepared will be left frightened and confused.

This groundbreaking book by Ben Lytle—Fortune 500 CEO, entrepreneur, and author—demystifies human potential and wisdom to make them attainable to all who seek their best. He predicts that technological advances and changes in social norms will make wisdom development urgent, but easier. His practical knowledge and straightforward language provide clarity, fresh perspectives, and proven practices that seamlessly integrate with daily life.

This highly anticipated second installment of The Potentialist series takes you on an uplifting journey to unleash your potential and accelerate decision-making wisdom during this period of the greatest change in human history. 

Will you seize your potential and become wise to adapt and succeed in these turbulent, opportunity-rich times? If not, what’s your plan?

ISBN: 978-1-63755-719-8
SKU: 18-1139-01
Categories:Amplify Publishing, Entrepreneurship, Technology

“Wisdom is an invaluable, yet elusive, attribute in today’s profoundly changing world, and its attainment is important for both individuals and society as a whole. Ben Lytle offers a guide for how each of us can become wiser, better people and citizens. It is indispensable reading for anyone who wants to fulfill their potential.”

Evan Bayh, attorney, advisor, board member, and former two-term governor and two-term US senator for Indiana

“I’ve known Ben Lytle for over twenty-five years as a CEO, serial entrepreneur, and creative thought leader. He has consistently pursued his potential, his family’s potential, and the potential of the people and companies he led. He made the study of potential and wisdom his life’s work. His insight into evolving social paradigms and how they affect us all is unique, yet simply expressed. His Potentialist series, and The Potentialist: The Pursuit of Wisdom especially, are gifts to all of us at the right time for the right reasons.”

Jeff Weiss, founder of the CCI Executive Network, healthcare expert, and adjunct professor of medicine at the UCLA Department of Medicine

“Imagine possessing the knowledge, principles, and discernment of our wisest ancestors and the vision to flourish in the AI revolution with the highest ethical standards. This is an easy book to read and a hard one to put down; a wisdom handbook to guide you through the fourth industrial revolution that is now underway. I’ve known and deeply respected Ben Lytle for more than twenty years. He has had many successes, but in this opus are the principles and practices you need, and you will want to share them with the people you love.”

Anne Ryder, Emmy award-winning news anchor and documentarian, and senior journalism lecturer at Indiana University

The Potentialist: The Pursuit of Wisdom is a must-read for anyone looking to increase their decision-making wisdom and unlock their full potential. In today’s quickly changing world of technological advancements, Ben Lytle’s groundbreaking work gives us the tools to adapt and thrive.”

Josh Linkner, five-time tech entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author, and venture capitalist

“In The Potentialist: The Pursuit of Wisdom, Ben Lytle issues a powerful call to unlock our inherent capacity for wisdom amid rapidly changing times. With clarity, he blends philosophy, psychology, and real-world experiences to reveal how we can live to our potential and find greater purpose. Drawing from his own journey of professional success, grace, and meaningful relationships, Ben shares invaluable insights garnered along the way. Get ready to feel inspired to nurture what lies within—it’ll transform your life and positively impact those around you.”

Mitzi Krockover, MD, internist, podcaster, investor, consultant on women’s health, former founding medical director of the Iris Cantor-UCLA Women’s Health Center, and VP of women’s health at Humana, Inc.

“We are all constantly encouraged to ‘live our best lives.’ In The Potentialist: The Pursuit of Wisdom, Ben Lytle tells us exactly how to do it by discovering the wisdom, skills, and knowledge we already possess or can easily attain. Ben makes a compelling case for wisdom as the ideal adaptive response to a radically different twenty-first century, not for an elite few, but as a common ethos for eight billion people accelerating human progress.”

Woodrow Myers, MD, managing director of Myers Ventures, LLC; former medical director for Indiana, Ford Motor Company, and Wellpoint, Inc.; and Democratic Party nominee for governor of Indiana

Ben Lytle


Ben Lytle is a self-made serial entrepreneur-CEO known for being ahead of the curve. He launched five successful companies, including two listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The best known is Anthem, today twenty-ninth on the Fortune 500 with a market value over $100 billion. He is a healthcare policy expert who served on state and presidential healthcare commissions, a governance leader with extensive public company experience, a senior athlete, world traveler, father of three children, and grandfather to eight grandchildren.

Ben’s devotion to individual and collective human potential through accelerated wisdom guides his writing, speaking, entrepreneurial energy, and investments. He believes that people and organizations today underestimate the extent and speed with which they and the world will change. Time to prepare and adapt is being compressed, opportunities are being missed, and unnecessary suffering will result unless prompt action is taken. He wrote The Potentialist: Your Future in the New Reality of the Next Thirty Years as a guide to success through wiser, timely actions and decisions in the opportunity-rich, turbulent times ahead.