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Daryl Weber

Brand Consultant, Speaker, and Entrepreneur


Daryl Weber, Ken’s son, is a brand strategist who has worked for some of the biggest brands in the world, including Coca-Cola, Nike, Johnnie Walker, Google, and many others. He was previously global director of creative strategy at The Coca-Cola Company and a strategy director at the brand consultancy Redscout. Daryl’s book, Brand Seduction: How Neuroscience Can Help Marketers Build Memorable Brands, has been translated into several languages and has received rave industry reviews.


Branding Democrats

A Top-to-Bottom Reimagining of Campaign Strategies

Democrats, stop whining and start winning! 

Democrats are terrible at branding. 

Political branding isn’t about logos, slogans, or messages. It’s also not about individual candidates and campaigns. 

It’s about what Democrats stand for and are known for in the minds of voters. It’s how voters feel about the party over years, or even decades. 

Today the Democrats’ brand is in shambles. And that is costing us elections. 

This practical, easy-to-read guide outlines the branding blunders Democrats continually make and delivers specific steps the party can take to turn things around. 

The need could not be more urgent. Our democracy is at stake. Let’s build the new Democratic brand, together.

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