CoreSelf Positioning to Get on the Same Page, Literally

8 Steps That Refine Our Current Position and Identify Our Best Action Plan

Navigating personal and professional relationships can at times be confusing and even frustrating. In such moments, many among us have wished for a map, a compass, or a GPS to provide reliable turn-by-turn directions through difficult terrain to arrive at a better destination.

The included CoreSelf Map (self-guided workshop) is practiced first individually and then with important others. It introduces the advantages of becoming familiar with a conscious part of the brain that already knows one’s life story, important values, and relevant experiences—enabling individuals and their working partnerships to immediately tackle top-of-mind situations. It is a game-changing tool for strengthening relationships and sustaining progress toward meaningful common goals.

You will practice three guidelines in activating your Internal Observer and Navigator (I/ON):

Observe who else is involved (getting closer or distant)
Ask Where am I? and Where do I want to be?

Accept that your conscious Internal Observer is activated
Complete all eight steps even as good strategies percolate

Ask yourself and others real questions with curiosity
Actively listen to the answers and reflect on responses
Even when their situations were not shared, participants’ outbursts spoke volumes:

“Wow. I’ve never slowed down to write this down.”
“This is like grading my own paper.” 
“It’s so simple.”

Others have excitedly shared their situations, insights, and real questions in great detail. Typically participants report that their experience has moved them closer to where they wanted to be and provided insightful best next steps. More importantly, their I/ON has provided a viable plan that they can and will do!

What’s YOUR top-of-mind challenging situation?

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ISBN: 979-8-89138-286-2
SKU: 18-1304-01
Categories:Self-Help, Amplify Publishing, Business and Finance