7 Key Questions to Ask Yourself Before Writing a Book and How They Can Impact Your Writing Process
(Posted on Sunday, April 16, 2023)

“I should write a book.” It’s a common idea thought leaders and those with influence have, and it’s one worth exploring. Infinitely rewarding and usually resulting in new and unexpected professional opportunities, writing a book is something everyone should consider if they have the knowledge to share, a story to tell, or are looking to widen their reach and impact a larger audience.
But before diving headfirst into such a critical, extensive project, there are seven key questions you should ask yourself to ensure you’re prepared for the journey ahead:
- Why do you want to write a book?
Before you get started conducting research, outlining material, or interviewing ghostwriters or book coaches, it’s important to establish what you want your book to achieve. Your primary goal might be to generate new business, expand on the core concepts you’re already sharing in other mediums, or to transition into another phase of your career. Or, maybe you want to sell as many copies as possible to establish a second stream of income or leverage your book to make guest appearances on podcasts by other thought leaders who you’ve always admired.
No matter your goal, if you go into your work with a clear mind and set expectations, you’ll be able to select partners who understand and embrace your vision and feel confident that you’re always moving forward on the path that’s best for you.
- Who is your target audience?
Knowing you want your book to be read is one thing. Knowing who you want to read it is another. Establishing a target audience is critical before writing and publishing a book—without one, you risk overlooking the people who need your ideas the most and lessening the cultural impact of your work.
Ask yourself additional questions, like: “In order to achieve my goals, who needs to read my book?,” “Who will benefit the most from my ideas and viewpoint?,” or “Who is responding to my content already?” Once you have the answers, you’ll be able to tailor your writing and overall structure to your audience’s needs and expectations.
- What makes your book unique?
Unless you’re planning to write a book on a cutting-edge topic that’s never been explored before (and you might be!), there’s likely another book like yours on sale already. That’s not necessarily a bad thing—spend some time reading titles that are in the same genre or subgenre as yours and figure out how you can and should stand apart.
For example, you might be able to explain certain concepts more effectively than anyone ever before, or you might have a new take on an old idea. Either way, determining what makes your book special will help you reach your target audience and will ensure your project reaches its full potential.
- What is your writing style?
For many, this can be one of the hardest questions to answer. If you haven’t written a book before or plan to work with a ghostwriter, you might not know what style best suits your subject matter or what you ultimately prefer.
Take a step back and identify both the books you most like to read and the books your target audience is most often reading. Use those as a jumping off point to find the style that feels most comfortable and effective for your content.
- How will you write your book?
Once you’ve answered the first four questions, you’ll need to decide how you want to execute your book. In most cases, there are three primary options:
- Write it yourself with editorial support
- Write it yourself with the support of a writing coach
- Onboard a professional ghostwriter
The choice ultimately comes down to your bandwidth, writing and research capabilities, and personal preference. There’s no wrong path to producing a book, and what’s best for one author might not be for another. Consider what will benefit your messages and aspirations the most and make the choice that’s right for you.
- What resources do you have at your disposal?
Whether or not you write the book yourself, you’ll need to lean on connections and external resources at some point during the process. You might want to integrate real-world case studies from colleagues in your manuscript, access another writer’s research, or ask a high-profile member of your network for an endorsement.
Figure out who you know and who might be willing and able to help you, and remember to lean on them when the time comes.
- How will you utilize those resources to promote your book?
It might seem far away now, but it’s never too early to begin promoting a new book. Start brainstorming promotional ideas and opportunities and always be thinking of who might be able to amplify your book’s reach once marketing is at the center of your focus.
By taking the time to ask yourself important questions before you start writing or working with a ghostwriter, you’ll ensure your manuscript is purposeful, well-organized, and motivated by clear objectives.
Need help getting started? Contact us today.
Asking yourself questions before you start writing a book can be an important step in the writing process. Here are a few reasons why it’s important to ask yourself questions before you begin writing:
- It helps you define your goals: Asking yourself questions about what you want to achieve with your book can help you clarify your goals and ensure that your writing is focused and purposeful.
- It helps you understand your audience: Asking yourself questions about who your audience is and what they might be interested in reading can help you tailor your writing to meet their needs and preferences.
- It helps you organize your thoughts: Asking yourself questions can help you think more critically about your writing and organize your thoughts in a logical and coherent manner.
- It helps you stay motivated: Asking yourself questions about your motivations for writing a book and what you hope to achieve can help you stay motivated and focused during the writing process.
By taking the time to ask yourself important questions before you start writing, you can ensure that your writing is purposeful, well-organized, and motivated by clear goals and objectives. This can help you write a book that is more engaging and enjoyable for your readers.
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